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Żydowska Organizacja Bojowa (Poland) (Corporate Name)

Preferred form: Żydowska Organizacja Bojowa (Poland)
Used for/see from:
  • ZOB
  • O.J.C.
  • OJC
  • Organisation juive de combat (Poland)
  • Z.O.B.
  • Earlier heading: Żydowska Organizacja Bojowa
  • Jewish Fighting Organization (Poland)
  • Jewish Combat Organization (Poland)
  • Il
  • Irgun ha-Yehudi ha-loḥem (Poland)
  • Yidishe ḳamfs-organizatsye (Poland)
  • אירגון היהודי הלוחם
  • ארגון היהודי הלוחם

Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.

Non-Latin script references not evaluated.

Rotem, Ś. Uve-tokhi he-ʻavar--, 1983 or 1984, c1984: t.p. (ba-Irgun ha-Yehudi ha-loḥem) p. 9 (ha-Il) p. 4 of cover (active in Poland during WWII)

Enc. Judaica, 1971 (Z.O.B.; Jewish Fighting Organization; Zydowská Orgánizacja Bójówa; estab 10/27/42 in Warsaw)

LC manual auth. card (hdg.: Żydowska Organizacja Bojowa; estab. 7/28/42; variants: Yidishe kamfs-organizatsye, ŻOB)

Kapel, R.S. Un rabbin dans la tourmente, 1986, c1985: t.p. (Organisation juive de combat) p. 10 (O.J.C.)

Keneally, T. Schindler's list, 2000: page 131 (Shimon and Gusta Dranger, organizers of the Cracow ZOB (Żydowska Organizacja Bojowa (Poland))) page 139 (The [Cracow] ZOB was led by a married couple, Shimon and Gusta Dranger -- her diary would become a classic of the Resistance) page 143 (It was the deliberate intent of Shimon and Gusta Dranger and their colleagues to run against the ancient pacifism of the ghetto, to convert it to universal rebellion.)

Holocaust Encyclopedia website, 18 September 2015 Krakow (Cracow) entry (Resistance in the Krakow Ghetto: A Jewish resistance movement existed in the Krakow ghetto from the time the ghetto was established in 1941. Its leaders focused underground operations initially on supporting education and welfare organizations. In anticipation of the deportation operations that the SS carried out at the end of October 1942, some leaders in the more radical wing of the underground, two existing resistance groups, the Zionist-oriented Bnei Akiva, led by Laban Leibowicz, Shimon Draenger, and Dolek Liebeskind, and the Socialist Ha-Shomer ha-Za'ir group, led by Heshek Bauminger and Benjamin Halbrajch, merged into one organization, the Jewish Fighting Organization (Zydowska Organizacja Bojowa; ZOB). Independent of the ZOB in Warsaw, this merged group prepared to fight the Germans. Ultimately the ZOB decided not to fight within the limited confines of the ghetto, but instead to use the ghetto as a base from which to attack targets throughout the city of Krakow. The most important ZOB attack took place in cooperation with Communist partisans on December 23, 1942, at the Cyganeria cafe, in the center of Krakow, which was frequented by German officers. The ZOB killed 12 Germans in this attack.)

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