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Valdez, Luis (Personal Name)

Preferred form: Valdez, Luis

Data from Great Plains National Instructional Television Library for Checking it out. 119 [VR] 1983 (subj.) (Luis Valdez; playwright)

His Zoot suit and other plays, 1992: t.p. (Luis Valdez) p. 7 (Luis Miguel Valdez; b. June 26, 1940)

LC data base, 6/30/83 (hdg.: Valdez, Luis)

IMDb, Feb. 4, 2009 (Luis Valdez; b. June 26, 1940, Delano, Calif.; birth name: Luis Miguel Valdez; founding director/professor of the Institute for Teledramatic Arts and Technology, California State University of Monterey Bay, created 1995)

IMDb, July 6, 2018: (Luis Valdez, director, actor, writer ; b. June 26, 1940 in Delano, California, USA)

El Teatro Campesino, The Official Site web site, July 1, 2020 (Since its inception, El Teatro Campesino and its founder and artistic director, Luis Valdez, have set the standard for Latino theatrical production in the United States. Founded in 1965 on the Delano Grape Strike picket lines of Cesar Chavez's United Farmworkers Union, the company created and performed actos or short skits on flatbed trucks and in union halls.)

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